Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to the wonderful world of online learning!

Well, my course is up and running, and now it's time to work out the inevitable bugs. There aren't too many to deal with, but any bug is one too many for a student, especially during the shortened summer term! We're working on it, though, so my hope is everything will be resolved shortly.

Yesterday evening I met with the 365 Project folks to discuss our visioning process. Our little ad hoc group will be exploring our collective future with a consultant so we can figure out where we go from here. Each of has a slightly different agenda...mine is mostly about trying to address the education gap in the local school system. I have to say that working with this group, which is mostly composed of people with whom I grew up, has been a blessing and a joy. No matter where we ultimately take it, the 365 Project has been a good experience for me.

I love the way the different parts of my life intersect and interrelate! The 365 Project, the online course in mixed race women's stories, even my work administering the grant are all threads that are woven into the same cloth.

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