Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Packing and Unpacking

As I look back on this year, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief that it has finally come to an end. Personally, 2008 had its ups and downs, but collectively, it seems to have been one big downer. The wars, the recession, the contentious election cycle...all of that has been so draining on us. Obama's election has brought a glimmer of hope, however. Interestingly, issues of race and class and gender remain as salient as ever, maybe even more so. The conversation on race in particular requires an unprecedented level of sophistication from those engaged in it. I feel honored and energized to be part of that conversation, to be a guide for others as they participate in it as well.

While 2008 is history, 2009 is ahead, and there is history to be made. I'm ready to get started.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Soul Food

I am excited to be engaged in several initiatives that are important to me, that are food for my soul as well as good works. I think each of us must find his or her way when it comes to doing good. Some of us can be very public about it, and others can only do it with anonymity. I find I fall somewhere in the middle. I am feeling compelled to stay focused on race and racism, and feel I have something to contribute to broader and more general discussions of such. I also feel that I must act locally, put my money where my mouth is, so to speak. Still trying to figure out how to pull it all together, to integrate these varying aspects and degrees to which I am participating in the world.

I guess this comes off as a somewhat nebulous post...I just needed to proclaim to the universe that I am doing some work, and I'm hoping that, ultimately, it is good work.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Still grateful!

Even though the world as we know it seems to be falling to pieces around us, I thought I'd take a minute to note that I'm still grateful for all I have. What I have consists of good health, a strong and supportive family, a teenage son who inspires pride, an amazing life partner, warm friends, committed and talented colleagues, and work that, if it isn't always exciting, does great good. Hmmm. Yes, I'm grateful, and blessed.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thinking About What's Next

I'm pleased with the results of the memoir course I taught this summer. The new course management system isn't perfect, but it will give the institution the opportunity to serve distance students in ways it couldn't/didn't before. And I'll be teaching the same course again spring quarter, so I'll be able to use what I've learned to make improvements. I'll also be teaching Fiction to Film during winter quarter, both at AUM and CSU! That's pretty exciting. I'm slowly developing a plan for life after least life after the intensive first 18 years of motherhood. I'm considering a doctorate, and I definitely want to do more teaching and research. I'm having a good time allowing myself to have aspirations...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Post Comments on Oral History Projects Here

Here's a forum for posting comments on the Oral History Projects from VIS362SU08.

Feeling good about my first Sakai course!

I am so proud of the work that my students have done this quarter. I've created a Web page for their oral history projects, which have been amazing extensions of my own research. So much transformative work took place through this course, for me and, I think, for the students as well. And the women they interviewed...I think everyone learned that sitting and listening to another's story not only enlightens one about that person, but it opens a reflective space in the listener, too, so everyone benefits.

I hope to have the opportunity to teach this course again. As one student noted, it did get off to a slow start, but I'm very pleased (and honored!) at how it has progressed as we near completion of the quarter. The online format has its drawbacks, but it also allows for some opportunities that aren't present in a face to face course. All in all, I think this has been a good experience for all concerned.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Garden Goddess

I've been spending as much time as possible in my garden. We've been putting a new deck on the back of our house, which will expand our outdoor living space quite a bit. It's been a bit chaotic back there, but it is nearing completion and peace will return soon. I've been planting and nurturing lots of flowers, which is a little different for me. I'm hoping to attract more butterflies and hummingbirds with the colorful and fragrant perennials I've been putting in. My fingernails almost always have a telltale line of rich soil under them. Toenails, too, since I usually garden barefoot. There are few things on this earth that make me happier than digging in dirt!

I come by this passion mom is a garden goddess, too. We share observations, updates on growth and development, sightings of interesting wildlife, and the plants and seeds that populate our little patches of earth. For both of us, our gardens are oases, places of retreat and renewal...and fun. Sharing time in our special places is important to both of us. Some of the best parties I've been to have been in my mom's backyard, and in my own. With the hot tub and the new deck, our place will be ready for celebrations!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to the wonderful world of online learning!

Well, my course is up and running, and now it's time to work out the inevitable bugs. There aren't too many to deal with, but any bug is one too many for a student, especially during the shortened summer term! We're working on it, though, so my hope is everything will be resolved shortly.

Yesterday evening I met with the 365 Project folks to discuss our visioning process. Our little ad hoc group will be exploring our collective future with a consultant so we can figure out where we go from here. Each of has a slightly different agenda...mine is mostly about trying to address the education gap in the local school system. I have to say that working with this group, which is mostly composed of people with whom I grew up, has been a blessing and a joy. No matter where we ultimately take it, the 365 Project has been a good experience for me.

I love the way the different parts of my life intersect and interrelate! The 365 Project, the online course in mixed race women's stories, even my work administering the grant are all threads that are woven into the same cloth.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Are We Ready Yet?

Right now I'm sitting in an institution-wide meeting, learning about our readiness to welcome new and returning students to campus in just over a month. Even though I'm not functionally involved in any of the preparations, I find that my knowledge of higher education operations is significant, and I have much to contribute to the conversation. In my role as a bureaucrat, I know lots more about funding and the logistical ends of things than I used to, but my real mission, as I've just related to a colleague, is equity. Teaching is more a labor of love for me, while my work as a grants administrator is mostly just labor. My credo has always been "Stimulating work that does good," and while the actual work I do right now is not all that stimulating, the outcomes of this work are so vital.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I've been busy amassing resources and materials for my latest course, and learning the new course management system through which it'll be delivered. I'm excited about having a formal venue for the exploration of a topic so near and dear to my heart.

As I review and ready these materials, I've been reflecting on the ways in which race is minimized in our world, and yet nearly everything is predicated upon it. I believe that race matters. Doesn't matter what you call it (a social construct or a biological reality), but it has an impact on everyone's life in some way, whether one knows it or not. I'm wondering how my students will engage with that notion. As a diverse group, there's bound to be divergent experiences of race. Where will we find our common ground? It all remains to be seen, and is part of the excitement I feel as I prepare for Saturday and the first day of class.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Another purpose of this blog is to express my family, my friends, my colleagues, and to the universe...for the many blessings in my life.

This morning I reflected on the gift of friendship. We are preparing our home for a gathering to celebrate the nuptials of a dear friend. And this weekend, we celebrate the completion of masters programs and a new home for two more dear friends. I am awestruck by the talents and intellects of these folks, and feel so honored to be included in the celebrations of their important life events.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Getting ready for online teaching!

This blog is part of my preparation for teaching online. I want my students to have ample opportunity to get to know me...virtually!