Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Still grateful!

Even though the world as we know it seems to be falling to pieces around us, I thought I'd take a minute to note that I'm still grateful for all I have. What I have consists of good health, a strong and supportive family, a teenage son who inspires pride, an amazing life partner, warm friends, committed and talented colleagues, and work that, if it isn't always exciting, does great good. Hmmm. Yes, I'm grateful, and blessed.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thinking About What's Next

I'm pleased with the results of the memoir course I taught this summer. The new course management system isn't perfect, but it will give the institution the opportunity to serve distance students in ways it couldn't/didn't before. And I'll be teaching the same course again spring quarter, so I'll be able to use what I've learned to make improvements. I'll also be teaching Fiction to Film during winter quarter, both at AUM and CSU! That's pretty exciting. I'm slowly developing a plan for life after motherhood...at least life after the intensive first 18 years of motherhood. I'm considering a doctorate, and I definitely want to do more teaching and research. I'm having a good time allowing myself to have aspirations...